Friday, February 15, 2008


So, it's high-time for a new post on this little blog.... :)
I'm a fan of projects. I have quite the list, but my progress is, well let's just say, very gradual. Currently, I'm working on a digital family picture book (using pics from a couple of photo shoots my sister-in-law did for us-- she's awesome). My friend, LeAnne, posted her progress on one of her current projects (cutest idea! she's so dang talented...). I told her I'd keep her updated on my project progress, too. So, to you my friend (and fellow readers), here's what I've accomplished so far: 3 pagespreads (ha, not much... but something ;) ). I'm still looking for the perfect quotes/journaling to go with the pictures (any ideas?), but I do like how they've turned out so far......